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Forum rules

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 Post subject: Forum Rules
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:38 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:00 am
Posts: 638
Location: South Carolina
Every good online forum, strives to successfully strike the right balance between allowing members enough freedom to express themselves in an unencumbered manner, and limiting certain types of speech that may be found offensive or detrimental to other member's enjoyment.

With a commitment to maintaining proper balance, we have devised a set of practical rules for the purpose of making everyone's time here as enjoyable as possible.

Forum rules

(1) "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The golden rule applies at MachoPowerWagon Forums.

(2) Use common sense when posting.

(3) Always remember there are other real people here with sensitivities and sensibilities just like you.

(4) Other than an occasional "damn," or "hell," cursing is just not necessary.

(5) Limit posting in all caps. This is interpreted as shouting.

(6) Avoid using an over-abundance of punctuation. Seven exclamation points will not make your point any better than one.

(7) Don't cross post the same topic into multiple forums.

(8) Don't hijack threads started by others for your own use.

(9) Distracting Avatars or signatures are not permitted. Avatars should be no larger than 90 pixels in width and height with a file size limit of 6.00 KiB. Pictures in signatures should not exceed 140 pixels in width, 70 pixels in height.

(10) Business Entities registering for the obvious and sole purpose of advertising their wares will be immediately banned. If you wish to purchase advertising on, please see the web master.

(11) All posts and signatures must be made in English.

(12) No posting in "gangsta" lingo, "1337 speak" or any other similarly illiterate and obnoxious attempts at communication.

(13) If you have even the slightest suspicion something you intend to post may be interpreted the wrong way, use smilies! that's what they're for.

(14) Obscene content, whether in one's posts or profile will not be tolerated and will likely lead to immediate ban without notice.

(15) Please try to avoid initiating threads about politics, religion or abortion. Online discussions of these subjects almost always end in flames.

(16) No spamming flaming or trolling. We don't have to explain what comprises these. You already know.

(16) If any of these are unclear to you, please ask me.

(17) It might also be a good idea for all of us to have a refresher course in "Netiquette" from time to time.

(18) Bottom line: Respect other forum members and have fun!

Dapper Dan


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